The dynamic in the studio was effectively impressive, being the model of his vision and seeing a confident artist creating a masterpiece by starting from a simple sketch was something in which I came across different times in my life, in being an artist too but the way Hambourg dealt with my unprepared and pimpled skin was unique and unarguably original.According to him, subjects should be relevant to symbolise his own scenario, not to fit to a particular kind of beauty and his way of spreading the colours over the canvas with his set of coarse hairs finally found his validation in the result visually pleasurable to the eyes of the beholder and audience itself :Macchiaioli’s influence was evident in the way the brush was properly trailed onto different lawyers of colours, in addition to the various dyes , in order to delicately surface the fibres and then, in a second time release a more liquid and less dry chromatic spot.
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